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Supporting the Wider Community​​​​​​​

At Courthill Infant School, we pride ourselves on being ambassadors for change. We value the rights of every child and will fight for change and insist on making  a positive impact. For this reason we have committed to support Water Aid and Action Aid.

Children In Need

We celebrated Children in Need by wearing pyjamas into school. Children in Need is a great charity to get involved in, as it helps children across the country who do not have access to their rights. We wore cosy pyjamas to school and raised lots of money.

Comic Relief!

We celebrated Red Nose Day by wearing red to mark the occasion and donating money to Comic Relief. Child voice: “In class, we were shown videos about children, similar to ourselves, from around the world who benefit greatly from our donations. We learnt that are donations also help pay for warm, nutritious meals for families in need.”


Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors collected Harvest donations and asked the local food bank to attend the Harvest assembly. We were humbled by the work that takes place at the food bank and were surprised to find out how many people need of our help. We learnt that the best way to make a difference was, not only to donate, but to pass on our knowledge and make others aware. We are extremely lucky to be getting an education and we were told to make the most of the opportunities given to us.