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Community Support and Services

There may be times when families need a little extra support - financial or emotional. You do not need to feel alone. There are many local organisations and support services that can help. School is also here to support in any way we can. 

Support for Families

There is lots of very useful information about support for families on the BCP Family Information Directory - click here to go to the website

There are also monthly drop-in sessions with navigators for additional support for families (see flyer below).

The Umbrella Group

This is a parent led support group, for parents of children and young adults with ASD which has been running for 10 years. They are known as The Umbrella Group, with its connotations of protection and covering a wide spectrum of behaviours which all come under the same umbrella of autism. Please see the flyer below for meeting dates for June 2024 - July 2025.

Umbrella Group Meetings June 2024 - July 2025.pdf

Parent Carer Foundation

Find support and talk to other parents at informal coffee mornings at Tesco Community Room, every Wednesday (10am - 12pm) during term-time, run by charity Parent Carer Foundation.




Food Support

Courthill Food Bank

We have a food bank in school, including food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as sweet items, snacks and toiletries. If you would like to pop in for items, please speak to your class teacher or the school office - we have plenty of carrier bags you can use. If you would like to donate items for Courthill food bank, please drop-off at the school office.

Family Hubs and Outreach Centres

Across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole there are six Family Hubs and two Outreach Centres (formerly called Children's Centres). 

Hubs are based in central locations and cover a reach area to support all families that need Early Help services, ensuring that families get the right help at the right time. Any family can contact them and they will be able to signpost to appropriate support. For more information, click here to visit the website.

Community Food Support

There are a number of different ways you can get food support including foodbanks, family hubs, and other community food settings which can be accessed through the ‘Access to Food Map’.

Access to Food Map

The access to food map is a tool to enable families to find where they will be able to access food support in the community and how to access support as well as providing information on community meals, cooked meal delivery, cooking workshops, foodbanks and social supermarkets.

To access, please click here for the website. 

Jimmy's Food Bank, Poole Quay and St Clements Church, Parkstone - support for households in crisis with three-day emergency food parcels and a space for additional advice and support that tackle route issues of crisis. Referrals are available from frontline services (eg GP, citizens advice). For more information, click here to visit the website.

Cost of Living Support

Together We Can

Together We Can is an initiative led by BCP Council, working in close partnership with many other public, private and voluntary sector organisations.  Families may be eligible for a food voucher if they are experiencing hardship and meet the two ‘Essential Criteria’ and one ‘Other Criteria’.  Alongside this families might be eligible for financial support, support if you are clinically vulnerable or isolating, Mental health and wellbeing. 

Holiday Childcare

If your child receives Pupil Premium, they may be eligible for local authority funded free activities, which take place during school holidays. For more information, please click here to view the website.

For more information about holiday childcare, please click here for the website. 

Visit the BCP Council Family Information Directory for awesome activities, holiday schemes and events happening over half term. Click here to visit the website.

Health (including mental health)


This NHS website offers support and advice for a range of health needs. Please click here to find out more

Connection (Dorset’s 24/7 mental health helpline): 0300 123 544

Further support

Please click here for more information about mental health and well-being at Courthill.   

Talking to Children about War and Conflict

The following links may help if your child is asking questions about conflicts taking place in the world, such as Ukraine.